"Lakukan sesuai kapasitasmu, dan jangan pernah meminta untuk kau tunda apa yang menjadi ke inginanmu"

Monday, July 07, 2014



bulletin board inspire future
is one type of mass communication media write the simplest. Called the wall magazines because magazines basic principle was dominant in it, while it is usually dipampang presentation on a wall or the like. Principles magazine reflected through the presentation, either in the form of text, images, or a combination of both. With the basic principles form the columns, a variety of work, such as painting, vignette, crossword puzzles, caricatures, comic strips, and the like arranged in varied. All materials were arranged in harmony so that the overall appearance of Mading looks interesting. Mading usually tangible physical form sheets of plywood, cardboard, or other materials with a wide range of sizes. Are relatively large size is 120 cm x 240 cm, being smaller again adapted to the circumstances. Role magazine wall that appears as one of the principal activities of students in physical facilities and factual as well as having a number of functions: informative, communicative, recreational, and creative.

Nining Ipkompas
IPTEK BAHARI Updated at:

Apa Manfaat Menulis itu? Penasaran !

Apa Manfaat Menulis itu? Penasaran !

menulis sebagai media komunikasi
Manfaat menulis sangatlah positif sekali. Selain mendapatkan uang dari hasil tulisan, juga dapat menjadi orang terkenal. Menulis memberikan inspirasi bagi pembaca untuk introspeksi diri dan mendalami makna pada suatu tulisan atau karya tulis. Menulis memberikan jendela ilmu baru bagi semua orang, khususnya bagi mereka yang suka membaca. sebelum anda memahami artikel ini sebaiknya , atau saran saya anda baca arikel tentang unsur-unsur menulis yang sudah saya sampaikan sebelumnya.

Nining Ipkompas
IPTEK BAHARI Updated at:
